Wisdom Teeth Extractions – Newbury Township, OH
Removing Problematic Teeth Safely
As you age, you may start to notice some pain occurring in the back of your mouth. If you practice daily oral care and visit our office regularly, then this might seem strange to you at first. However, if you are between the ages of 18 and 25, it’s possible that your wisdom teeth are beginning to erupt and causing chronic pain. When this happens, it’s time to call Dr. Jason Majors and his team so you can get these teeth safely removed!
Why Choose Jason D. Majors, DMD for Wisdom Teeth Extractions?
- Advanced Cone Beam Scanning Technology Provided
- Experienced Dentist and Team Members
- Nitrous Oxide Available for Nervous Patients
Do I Need My Wisdom Teeth Extracted?

While it is rare, there are cases where a patient’s wisdom teeth do not need to be extracted. Unfortunately, most of the time the mouth is not large enough to accommodate an additional four teeth. This means that they are more likely to push neighboring teeth, meaning your smile is becoming overcrowded. Additionally, if your wisdom tooth erupts underneath gum tissue or a neighboring tooth, it can easily cause an oral infection. In both cases, your wisdom teeth will require extraction.